Bachelor/Studio For Sale in Toronto, Ontario - 65 Bremner Blvd

Toronto Condos & Lofts For Sale By Owner

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Canada Ontario Toronto Condos For Sale
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Bachelor/Studio For Sale

Toronto Downtown Maple Leaf Square Condo Studio

65 Bremner Blvd , Toronto, ON, M5J 0A1
Owner`s Description
Torontos only sports and entertainment hotel-condo building -- Mapple Leaf Square is here to fulfill the independent living experience that every bachelor would love to have! Just located next to the Air Canada Centre, this studio type condo suite features a fully furnished unit for your ultimate satisfaction and convenience.

Top grade stainless steel appliances, a spacious ensuite, and a huge balcony area with a spectacular view of the outdoor pool and city are all readily available and built just for you! This is a great place for first time-buyers and young adults who are looking for the best city lifestyle experience.

For more information, please call: (647) 720 6578.

Property Features
Built-in dishwasher, Fridge, Microwave, Stainless steel appliances, Stove
Floor Covering:
Marble, Engineered Hardwood
Bath and shower, Bath Tub
Location Details:
Near Park, Near Schools, Public Transportation, George Brown College Of Applied ArtsAnd Technology,Rees Street Parkett, Restaurants, SuperMarket , Banks, Gas Stations
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 Frank Sarantoulias

Home Phone(647) 720-6578
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Listing Owner
 Frank Sarantoulias

Home Phone(647) 720-6578
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Property Summary
Property ID:  9501
Property Cat:  Bachelor/Studio
Property Type:  Condos
Baths:  1
Size:  400 sq. ft

Property Tax Calculation

"The Land Transfer Tax in Toronto, Ontario based on the selling price of $275,000.00 is $5,075.00 and the annual property tax based on Assessment value of $275,000.00 is $2,181.00."

* The land transfer tax formula for Ontario

$0 to $55,000.00 - land transfer tax is 0.5% plus $55,000.00 to $250,000.00 - land transfer tax is 1.0%  plus $250,000.00 to $400,000.00 - land transfer tax is 1.5% plus $400,000.00 and up - land transfer tax is 2.0%


* The land transfer tax formula for Toronto, ON

$0 to $55,000.00 - land transfer tax is 0.5%  plus $55,000.01 to $400,000.00 - land transfer tax is 1.0%  plus $400,000.00 and up - land transfer tax is 2.0%

The annual property tax for Toronto ON

Assessment Value of $275,000.00

Total Tax is: $2,181.00*
$635.00 goes to Education
$1,545.00 goes to the City

The total property tax is divided between city tax and education tax. A portion of this tax goes to fund the Province's Education system.

For 2011 the municipal tax rate is 0.5619218%.
For 2011 the education tax rate is 0.231000%.
The total tax rate for 2011 is 0.7929218%.

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See Also: Toronto Real Estate     Toronto Condos For Sale     Toronto Bachelor/Studio For Sale

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