Detached Home For Sale in Windsor, Ontario - 2746 Rockwell Blvd

Windsor Single Family Homes For Sale By Owner

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Detached Home For Sale

2746 Rockwell Blvd , Windsor, ON, N9E 2B7
Owner`s Description
This is a gorgeous 4 level backsplit home. Has 4 bedrooms inside. Spacious O/C liv & din rm w/ tons of natural light, coved ceilings & hrdwd flrs.

Upgrades on home;
eat-in kit w/gas stove opens to huge main flr fam rm w/patio drs to spectacular rear garden.

For more information please contact (519) 967-1069

Property Features
Fridge, Stove
Floor Covering:
External Facing:
Brick, Concrete
Location Details:
Near Park, Near Schools, Public Transportation
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 Michelle Brife

Day Phone(519) 967-1069
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Listing Owner
 Michelle Brife

Day Phone(519) 967-1069
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Property Summary
Property ID:  5413
Property Cat:  Detached Home
Property Type:  Homes
Beds:  4
Baths:  2

Land Transfer Tax Calculation Ontario

"The Land Transfer Tax in Windsor, Ontario based on the selling price of $175,900.00 is $1,484.00."
* See the land transfer tax formula for Ontario
+ $0 to $55,000.00 - land transfer tax is 0.5%
+ $55,000.00 to $250,000.00 - land transfer tax is 1.0
+ $250,000.00 to $400,000.00 - land transfer tax is 1.5%
$400,000.00 and up - land transfer tax is 2.0%

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